I’m was born into a large family of homesteaders & my father has always had goats. My eldest sister of six kids worked as a ranger on country in the Northern Territory, she was taught by Aboriginal woman how to make natural soap. This recipe and technique was then passed on to me while I was pregnant with my daughter, and that is how the soap started!

We farm on 110 acres at the foot hills of Mt Martin in the Pioneer Valley. We rotate our paddocks & all animals are supplemented with minerals for parasites, overall health & to keep our soils balanced. We performed soil samples, to make sure the soil was right before introducing animals. The plants & animals tell you what you are doing right or wrong. (Just need to make sure you are paying attention!)
Our product range is based on ingredients that can be sourced from our Australian Island, if it can be grown sustainably & processed in this country then that is where the development stage of our recipes start.
We try to keep our packaging either re usable or bio degradable, unfortunately not a lot of financially viable options exist in Australia (YET), sourcing from overseas for some is un avoidable.
Our Herd
It all started with a lot of research & a very small herd. Our goats retire here on the farm, & ultimately give back to our soil creating the circle of life. Milking goats is now our daily norm, to share your time with such beautiful animals is a gift in itself, however to be able to make wholesome, healing products from that relationship is priceless.